
News, sketches, model drawings and reportage by Alex Charner.

The Long Walk – Second Orchestral Workshop

On March 7th, 2015, I had the rare honor of attending the second orchestral workshop (conducted by Steven Osgood) for The Long Walk; composer Jeremy Howard Beck and librettist Stephanie Fleischmann's new opera based on the Brian Castner's memoir. The piece is produced by American Lyric Theater and will premiere this summer at Opera Saratoga.

I was there as part of an auction reward, where the winner would join me in drawing the workshop. I felt like I had won, since the auction winner was a wonderful artist named Mayer. More than a class, we were active witnesses to the performance of vibrant new art.

I was also happy to be there with my wife, Cara, who will Assistant-Direct the piece this summer at Opera Saratoga. I'm so excited to see the staging of this brave, visceral piece.

You can read more about the event here.

Thanks to ALT and Lawrence Edelson for the invitation. My deepest thanks to my friend, Lyndsay Werking, ALT's Director of Philanthropy and Strategic Partnerships for making this possible.